5 min read

Create Smarter With Story Mapping


In this article:  An introduction to Creative Story Mapping – an enhanced creative process used by top content creators to achieve better creative outcomes, save time, master AI tools, and tackle creative obstacles.

Is your creative process sabotaging your results?

The traditional “trial-and-error” creative process has resulted in more lost time, wasted efforts, mediocre content, abandoned projects, and other creative pain points than any other factor of content creation. 

People often blame these setbacks on the inherent difficulty of creativity, an execution flaw, or resource limitations.  Some unfortunately even fault their own talent, effort, or team.

In reality, what people call “The Creative Process” – the mix of basic techniques like brainstorming, outlining, drafting, reviewing, and revisions – is often the primary source of delays, frustration, and lackluster results.

Even if this process has worked in the past, it’s falling behind today’s extraordinary challenges, e.g., the rapid rise of AI platforms, shrinking budgets, soaring competition, and increasingly distracted audiences. 

That’s why we’re happy to share story mapping – an easy-to-learn and effective way to do better work, master AI, and overcome the new breed of creative obstacles and challenges. 

The secret weapon of top creators

Story mapping is a visual concept development method conceived by some of the world’s best creatives.  While it’s not a household name like “brainstorming” or other techniques, story mapping might just be the single most important creative tool because it helps to unify and maximize all of the others.

That’s a big reason why story mapping has been a widely successful, industry-standard creative method for more than a century – and continues to thrive more than ever today.

In fact, your favorite content probably started off as a story map – everything from blockbuster movies and bingeable series to buzzworthy ads, best-sellers, and more.

Above: Just a few of the many well-known projects created with story mapping.

Over the years, best-selling writing gurus like Robert McKee and Blake Snyder have recommended their own custom versions. Likewise, creators have evolved it from the old-school “Index Card Method” to work on every major digital platform and software suite.  It’s been adapted to every project type, industry, project stage, task, objective, and role – not just for individuals, but for teams and companies, too.  

We developed our own unique version called Creative Story Mapping, which combines Agile methods and project management tools to excel across the entire life cycle of virtually any project. We’ve applied it for more than 20 years to collaborate on hundreds of projects with top creators and companies – including 35 of the Fortune 100 companies.  

Like any proud parent, we believe that our version is the best one – but really, we’re just superfans of ALL forms of story mapping.  So we believe every content-creation professional should master it, even if they don’t use it for every single project. 

Let’s take a deeper dive into the 3 biggest reasons people should get to know story mapping: 

Reason #1:
Achieve Better Results

Story mapping became a cross-industry standard because it empowers people to achieve (A) better work, (B) faster and easier, and (C) more consistently than any other approach.

Here’s how these benefits work hand-in-hand to lead you to your best work:  

(A) BETTER CREATIVE OUTCOMES: Story mapping helps organize concepts into an idea-by-idea story map – a big-picture view that greatly improves insights, focuses efforts, reduces wrong turns, and much more.  It also functions as a real-time project hub from concept through delivery, benefitting the entire process.

(B) FASTER AND EASIER:  A story map brings all of your ideas and work product into a single place, giving you a more accurate view of your project. This greatly accelerates development by highlighting priorities, avoiding incompatible ideas, road-testing variations, and implementing better solutions.

Plus, story mapping works with the tools and platforms you already know, making it intuitive and easy-to-learn. So it’s easy to get started and/or share story maps with collaborators or clients.

(C) MORE CONSISTENTLY:  Story mapping helps people increase their success rate across a vast array of project types, tasks, workflows, collaborators, budget challenges, and more.

Reason #2:
Master AI

Simply learning AI tools isn’t enough – you must know exactly how and when to apply them to improve your process, productivity, and results.  

In more than 2 years of integrating AI tools into our creative solutions, we’ve found that using story mapping together with AI tools FAR outperforms AI tools alone.  

Key advantages include: 

  1. HUMAN-DRIVEN CREATIVE:  Story mapping helps human-driven creativity to consistently surpass “AI-first” approaches, positioning AI platforms as specialized tools best guided and curated by people. 
  2. USE AI MORE EFFICIENTLY:  Story mapping gives creatives deeper insight into a project’s real-time needs, helping people to better target their AI prompts and avoid the limitations and flaws of AI tools.
  3. INTEGRATES ALL OF YOUR AI TOOLS:  Story mapping helps to unify different AI outputs (e.g., text/script, stills, video, voiceover, audio, etc.) into a single project hub, empowering greater project visibility.
  4. STREAMLINES AI TRAINING:  Story mapping helps creators to zero in on the most useful features of AI platforms and immediately assess exactly how well AI suggestions fit into the larger project.

Reason #3:
Overcome Obstacles

Creative inspiration may get a project started – but it’s creative problem-solving that gets it done! 

Just as an actual map helps you reach your travel destination – a story map helps you identify and navigate around every possible creative, development, or production obstacle to reach your goal.

It’s not just the glaring problems story mapping helps you solve – it’s the many pitfalls, blind spots, wrong turns, and roadblocks it helps you avoid altogether.  

We created a free online Find Your Solution tool that lets you browse through some of the most common creative pain points and possible ways that story mapping can help to solve them. (Side note: If you don’t spot your own creative obstacle, drop us a note to have it added!)

Navigate your next success story

Thanks to rapid innovation and unprecedented challenges, everyone who works in content creation finds themselves in uncharted territory.  

We think story mapping’s the perfect way to navigate any creative challenge or situation, no matter what your role or specialty is. 

Part of our enthusiasm stems from story mapping’s part in powering the world’s best content for decades. 

But far more importantly, it’s fueled by our team’s experiences of countless hours saved, projects rescued, frustration avoided, creative outcomes elevated . . . and so much more. 

So even if you decide on a different approach, we hope you’ll include some form of story mapping in your creative process.  It’s been transformative for us, and we wholeheartedly want the same for other creatives. 

(Just please be sure to share your great content and story maps with us later!) 

Meanwhile, here’s to inspired and productive creating!

Ready and set,
– Map Your Story

P.S.  To learn more about how Creative Story Mapping might help navigate your current creative challenge, you can start by trying our free Online Creative Assessment – or book a free consultation to chat with a top-tier Story Guide, no strings attached.

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