Trusted by top creatives and brands, including:


The breakthrough method behind the world’s top content

Map Your Story’s evolved Creative Story Mapping (CSM) is a game-changing, professional-grade approach to accelerating creative development and productivity.

Our unique methods have fueled creative excellence across workflows, project types, and industries, including 35 of the Fortune 100 companies.

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Create Smarter With Story Mapping

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Work even faster than the speed of AI. Learn how Story Mapping helps you master creativity AND AI tools.

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How it works

Intuitive, easy-to-learn and highly effective

Our unique Creative Story Mapping approach helps people turn general concepts into specific, idea-by-idea “Story Maps.” This optimizes every step from concept to delivery, and consistently leads to better, faster project results.

The 1-Minute Overview

Ready your concept, objectives, and other key project parameters.

Determine your starting point and destination. What are your core concept and ideal results? Decide genre, format, length, and deadlines – even if any of them might change as you go.

Set up key story mapping elements (board, cards, flags, etc.) in your existing workflow.

Story mapping readily integrates with how you want to work. Solo, team, or group - and remote, hybrid, or on-site. You can use your existing platforms, specialized tools, custom physical tools, or even just index cards!

Write one idea per card and start “mapping” by placing cards on your story board.

Moving “idea cards” around your board (virtual or physical) is the simple, powerful heart of story mapping. It’s a visual extension of your thought process, supercharging creative development and productivity.

Review your draft story map. Re-order and revise your idea cards – and repeat MANY times!

Go back and Repeat the previous step until you have a refined, idea-by-idea story map that clearly leads to your objectives. (You’ll spend most of your time in this Create-Map-Review-Revise cycle!)

Use your story map to guide creative, track progress, re-map changes, and more.

A finished story map becomes an unmatched production tool. Use it as a dynamic project hub from concept to content - tracking progress, assigning tasks, and refining ideas through project delivery.

Tough project or tight deadline?

Try a free Creative Sprint demo and discover how our innovative approach can help you get it done easier, faster, cheaper, and better. Guaranteed.

explore our services

Choose the perfect path to reach your best creative results

Select a category below to learn more about our comprehensive selection of Creative Story Mapping sprints, training, tools, and expertise. 


Power up your creative process with transformative benefits

Our 10|10|10 MANTRA embodies our mission to ignite your creative productivity, unlock value, and empower your excellence, delivering IMMEDIATE GAINS and LASTING BENEFITS.


We’re dedicated to saving creators a minimum of 10 minutes for every hour of creative work.


We strive to make every interaction and service deliver ROI of at least 10 times the value of its initial cost.


We direct 10% of net proceeds to support creative entrepreneurship, focusing on underserved communities.

A longtime industry-standard approach, proven to help people achieve better project results, faster and easier.

Dramatically improves collaboration and communication for both on-site and remote workflows.

Method drastically reduces delays, stress, conflict, indecision, wasted work, and procrastination.

Story mapping greatly enhances efficiency and focus, leading to shorter, more productive work sessions.

Improve “back to the office” with impactful innovation that helps efficiency and performance in enjoyable way.

Confidently tackle your most challenging projects with our top-tier, on-demand creative talent.

Acts as visual extension of thought process, enhancing creative process, ability, and results.

Helps brings out the best in individuals and teams, fostering engagement, growth, collaboration, and satisfaction.

Provides valuable new capabilities and efficiency to existing tools and platforms, optimizing your time and talent.

Story maps act as creative and production hubs, helping to guide and improve projects from concept to delivery.

Elevated creative process and enhanced planning minimizes wasted time, effort, and expenses.

People get more done, faster in a flexible, reliable workflow, promoting work-life balance.
Story Guides

On-demand creative champions, matched to your creative needs

Our Story Guides are the unstoppable creative pathfinders and point-people at the center of our solutions. They’re top-tier creatives who are masters of story mapping (and lots more).

All of our Story Guides are active, experienced content creators and true difference-makers with the expertise, talent, AI fluency, and track record to help you achieve your creative goals.

Chat with a Story Guide, no strings attached:

Story Guides bring a demonstrated mastery of Creative Story Mapping, the creative process, AI tools, collaboration, productivity systems, and more.

We carefully match the distinctive expertise and achievements of each Story Guide to your parameters and goals – with a vast (and growing) array of available skill sets, specialties, and industry origins.

Each Story Guide has demonstrated elite creative results across a variety of media, project types, and industries – tallying numerous awards, widespread audience engagement, and/or major-media recognition.

Revolutionize your creative productivity in any platform

Creative Story Mapping is platform-agnostic, seamlessly integrating with – and enhancing! – a variety of digital platforms you probably already use.

Or, unlock the power of hands-on story mapping with physical tools – including our presentation-quality Storymappr™ Creative Process Toolkit.

Whatever digital platform you use, Map Your Story can make it even better, helping you navigate the creation, development, and production on any content project you can imagine.

Get to your best work faster with a story map that serves as a powerful visual extension of your creative process. Learn how Agile Creativity keeps you focused, efficient, innovative, and productive.

Want better results across workflows, teams, and projects? Use your story map as a creative and production hub to improve project management, visibility, progress, and outcomes.

Tough deadline ahead? Accelerate your learning curve and set-up time with our template customization services and/or quick-start coaching for any platform, project type, or workflow.

Story Mapping is a proven creative approach that helps creators and teams leverage AI’s strengths and neutralize its limitations - consistently surpassing “AI-first” solutions in speed, cost efficiency and quality.

Get recommendations for AI creative tools, no strings attached:

Discover the unique advantages of hands-on story mapping with the Storymappr™ creative process toolkit. Designed exclusively by us to include the full features of our unique Creative Story Mapping methodology.

Map Your Story partnered with PATboard, whose patented materials, dedication to sustainability, and product quality have made them the industry leader in Agile tools.

Innovative in every detail, including raised "magic" tabs, and color-coded analysis tools for your story map to serve as a productivity hub throughout the creative and production processes.

Patented materials feel like writing on paper (no smudges!), and yet completely eraseable with water. The cards will last for years, and are certified 100% recyclable.

We offer many ways to help you apply and master Storymappr™, ranging from one-time creative process coaching and workshops to ongoing project facilitation, creative sprints, and turnkey services.

Discover our customizable creative solutions

Story mapping has delivered unmatched success in top written, video, interactive, live-event, and digital content - for business, entertainment, education, and much more.

Story mapping has demonstrated the ability to deliver transformative benefits from initial concept development to final project delivery - or to any single project stage.

Story mapping originated in publishing centuries ago. Today, it's the creative engine that drives nearly every top project in every major entertainment genre.

Top companies apply Creative Story Mapping for everything from marketing content to presentations, web design, developing training programs, social media campaigns, conferences, public relations, legal briefs, and much more.

Story Mapping — like brainstorming, rewriting, or outlining — is a fundamental creative development method that is widely applicable to almost any content-based project.


The power to navigate any stage of virtually any project type

Story mapping has delivered unmatched concept-to-delivery success in top written, video, interactive, live-event, and digital content – for business, entertainment, education, and much more.

Get Started

Ready to get more out of your time and talent?

We make it easy to immediately start improving your creative process and project results.

Take “The Shortcut” below to get started fast. Or choose “The Guided Tour” to get expert recommendations, 100% free.

The Shortcut

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The Guided Tour

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Frequently Asked Questions about Creative Story Mapping

Story mapping is used by the world's best creators, companies, and content - and has been for more than a century!  

Our exclusive methodology expands the versatility and effectiveness of story mapping even more, adding idea-to-impact benefits for any project type or platform. As a result, our team has collaborated on a wide variety of content-creation projects with 35 of the Fortune 100 brands across every industry and workflow.

Check out the Unique Advantages of Map Your Story.  Or Contact Us to learn exactly how Creative Story Mapping can instantly improve your creative process and results.

Our proprietary Creative Story Mapping methodology is fully compatible with AI content-creation tools. Moreover, it helps people and teams to harness AI's strengths, minimize its weaknesses, choose the best AI platforms for you, and much more.

To discover more ways Story Mapping helps you maximize AI, see Leveraging AI.

Story Mapping can help any content in which the sequence of the ideas matter, whether it's audiovisual, live-event, interactive, or written. See our Project Types section for more specifics.

Story Mapping seamlessly integrates with a wide variety of collaboration platforms, apps, and creative software. In fact, it still works with index cards or Post-Its!  See our Work Your Way section for info on digital solutions and hands-on (physical) story mapping.

Yes, all three! We designed story mapping to adapt to your workflow using a wide variety of either digital platforms or physical tools. Check out the Work Your Way section for more information.

Tell us about your objectives and/or project needs, and we'll be happy to share Solutions for different budget levels ranging from individual creators to full turnkey contention creation. We're confident our solutions can save you time and money, and make a transformative impact in your productivity and results.

That's why we offer our Creative Fee Guarantee and design our solutions to embody our 10|10|10 Mantra to deliver 10 times ROI.

To request a price quote, check availability, get custom solutions, or book a new service:


Every Creative Sprint is unique. Generally speaking, our Creative Sprint will help you get to your best work FAR easier, faster, and more consistently than any other concept development approach out there. In addition to delivering dramatic time and cost savings, our Sprints focus on maximizing the performance of you (or your team) and helping you to achieve (and surpass!) your project goals every time out.


Contact us for a Creative Sprint Demo or Free Creative Assessment. In both cases, you can share your parameters, and we'll share an accurate estimate and walk through how it works. 

We have a long track record of helping clients to successfully navigate countless projects and content-creation situations. In fact, if we agree to take on your project or objectives, we guarantee our work.

Specifically, if we do not successfully achieve our mutually agreed-upon project objectives, we'll refund our company Creative Fee on a pro rata basis. This Guarantee’s terms are customized to your objectives and detailed in the Solutions Agreement for each project. Reach out via our Contact Us Typeform to learn more.

The Storymappr™ Creative Process tool set is our exclusive physical tool designed especially for hands-on (i.e., non-digital) Creative Story Mapping. Storymappr™ consists of presentation-quality, color-coded, rewriteable magnetic cards and analysis tools made for use with your magnetic whiteboard. We designed it in partnership with PATboard, the world leader in sustainable physical Agile tools. You can shop for Storymappr™ or learn more at

Creative Story Mapping combines card-based story mapping with Agile methodology, making it more versatile and effective in countless ways. A few highlights include analysis tools, using your story map as a project hub from concept to delivery, and creating a platform-agnostic approach that can be used on-site or online.

Check out other Unique Advantages and Key Benefits of Creative Story Mapping.

Please email us at for anything from urgent requests to questions about our services, availability, pricing, bookings, and anything else we can help with! (It's a team email address that we monitor across several timezones.)

To schedule a call or Zoom online - or to just get connected to the right person quickly, click here:

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