Don’t know which vendor(s) to bid or choose?

Our Story Guides and Project Managers can help you select, bid, and/or manage content vendors for any project stage or style from pre-visualization through finishing and media implementation. We’ll help you negotiate better prices with top companies and make sure they deliver results. Check out our unique advantages

Need help figuring out the best approach?

All of our solutions are tailored to your objectives, whether you have a specific content project or a general objective related to improving your creative productivity and results. Set up a free consultation with a top-tier Story Guide to get expert answers, no strings attached.

Need to maximize your third-party vendors?

We can help you optimize the budgets and results of any content-related vendors, from freelance to production, post-production, and other specialized companies. Engage our team as “in-house” advocates to help you find, bid, cost-control, and manage your third-party vendors of any size, type, or project stage.

Launching a new product, site, or service?

A launch is its own special challenge. We can help you create and produce content, as well as research and develop a successful media strategy and actions that span social media, earned media, PR, and other channels to achieve a successful launch.

Need better in-person creative tools?

We love hands-on story mapping! That’s why we paired with Agile tools maker PATboard to design our exclusive Storymappr™ Creative Process Tools. Storymappr™ cards are reusable, sustainable, and full of great features for story mapping on your magnetic whiteboard.

Need to outsource tasks or projects to high-end talent?

With a global network of creative, production, post-production, AI-fluent, and media-planning contacts, we can help you find, triple-bid, and manage all of your third-party vendors – and/or directly provide high-end creators and project leaders to successfully achieve your project goals. See our unique advantages Learn more about our Story Guides

Don’t know which production approach to take?

Get objective guidance on the best production approach to achieve your project goals within your budget – all from top-tier Story Guides and Project Managers. We can advise, facilitate, help manage vendors, and even help execute every detail of the process from idea to impact.

Need help with bidding, scheduling, or budgeting?

Great creative is only the start – you need to bid to win, and budget/schedule/staff to succeed. Our Project Managers can help you bid, schedule, or cost-control any creative, production, post-production, or interactive content – and even help find, bid, and manage vendors.

Want to do a project in-house, but missing key roles?

Help your in-house team deliver their best work, every time. Reinforce your project with a top-tier creative Story Guide and/or Project Manager. Offered as one-time, short-term, intermittent, or ongoing solutions, customized to your objectives and workflow. Explore our unique advantages

Need to make your creative more profitable?

Reduce your budgets, timelines, and third-party vendor costs while boosting your audience engagment, messaging, and impact – guaranteed. Use a Creative Review & Analysis to get recommendations, and a Creative Sprint and/or Turnkey solutions to help you implement them.